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Co-existent labor-management culture

KLF contributes to establishment and expansion of co-existent and cooperative labor-management culture by means of education for workers based upon labor-management partnership, financial supports for workplaces, discovery and expansion of best practices for labor-management culture.

Projects for support

Support for labor-management partnership program
To facilitate expansion of cooperative labor-management relations, improvement in rational labor-management practices, workplace innovation, etc. by directly subsidizing a part of the costs used for labor-management partnership projects jointly implemented by the labor and management so as to contribute to enhancement of business and national competitiveness.
Labor-management co-existence plus(+) education
To execute integrated education programs by KLF in order to expand consensus between the labor and management over labor-management co-existent cooperation and workplace innovation, improve understanding on employment and labor issues and come up with solutions by means of region and occupation-specific education.
Selection of enterprises excelling in labor-management culture and Grand Prize for Labor-management Culture
To expand the base of excellent labor-management culture of co-existence and cooperation in and out of the Korean society so as to contribute to reinforcement of business and national competitiveness by selecting and supporting enterprises practising exemplary co-existent labor-management culture.
Projects to nurture experts on labor-management relations
To lay down a human resource foundation for advancement of labor-management relations by nurturing labor-management relations experts via in-depth and professional employment and labor education provided by specialized education agencies to officials from labor and business organizations, HR and labor affair managers from enterprises.
Supportive project to activate regional four-way cooperation
To conduct education, evaluation and survey on the council of regional labor, management, civic groups and the Government which pursues activation of regional economy such as labor-management co-existent cooperation at a regional level, job creation, practising of social responsibility, etc.
Labor-management Future Forum
To lay down a foundation for cooperative labor-management relations through regional cooperation by means of solving pending labor issues with utilization of employment & labor experts and establishment of multi-layered network at the local, metropolitan and national levels.

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